Welcome to the Thelma Carol Wine Club! Members can explore a wide range of themes, regions, varietals, and styles with a monthly curated selection of two bottles designed to highlight unique and unexpected wines from around the world.


Benefits also include:

Branded 6-bottle canvas Tote & Wine Key

Monthly buy-one-get-one card for glasses at the bar

Discounted entry to public tastings

Invitations to member-only tastings

Exclusive pre-buy offers on rare or allocated bottles


Cost: $55, pay when you pick up your wines - available after the first Wednesday of the month.

Or, save $30 when you pay for a 6-month installment ($300 for 6 months)

Payment can be made in-person or over the phone ($4 fee applied to phone payments).

Thelma Carol Wine Club

Photography by Brick Kyle

Photography by Siege Food Photo