It is a challenge to categorize Italian wine using a single metric. The landscapes, cuisines, dialects, and traditions make Italy as a country about as varied as one is to find, and the wines follow suit. The northern regions use their mountainous and mediterranean topographies to excellent result when it comes to the cultivation of wine grapes, and the food and faire of these higher-latitude regions reflect it. Crisp and lifted is the name of the game more often than not, unless we’re talking Amarone and the passito wines, in which case big fruit and higher alcohol levels are on grand display. We’re going to taste though a variety tonight. Join us!
iFeudi di Romans, 2023 Ribolla Gialla
Ottella, 2023 Lugana
Tenuta La Presa, 2022 Bardolino
Tenuta San Leonardo, 2019 Terre di San Leonardo
Speri, 2019 Valpolicella Classico Superiore Sant’ Urbano
$20/person. No reservations needed.