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Washington: Fire & Ice Never Tasted So Good

The success of Washington’s wineries lies, as with most prominent regions, within its epic landscape and geography: vast swaths of land covered first by lava flows and then brutally carved by glaciers and floods. Metal AF.

Now that the ice-age is over, WA is the second largest wine-producing region in America and boasts an unparalleled offering of high quality wines for every level of wine consumer. From crisp and nervy whites to brooding, dense Bordeaux-blends, WA brings a diversity and quality level that is unmatched. Join us in tasting some examples and you’ll be convinced.

Jaine Sauvignon Blanc Evergreen Vineyard

L’Ecole No. 41 Chenin Blanc

Januik Cabernet Sauvignon

Mark Ryan Monkey Wrench Red Blend

Novelty Hill Syrah

$18/person. No reservations needed.

February 23

Handled with Care: Natty Wines

March 9

A Smattering of CA Reds